Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Title and Fonts

The title for my film will be 'I Wish You Were Here', this relates to the narrative as the main character says it throughout the film and it's about missing and losing her friend, but also adventures. It also relates to the sadness and drama in the film. 

I wanted to find a font that would relate to the story and would also capture the emotion that the film contains. I decided to go with a font that looked like hand writing as the film is about a sort of diary to her friend. 'I Wish You Were Here' is stereotypically written on a postcard and so I wanted to portray this in the font. The font will be shown on the trailer maybe throughout with the inter-titles and the perhaps on the movie poster that I will also be creating.
Here are some fonts that I found on the website

I like the fonts of the first 3 as I really like the hearts above the i's. This clearly shows its about teen girls and therefore target audience is acquired. However, this might show that its a chick-flick instead of a teen drama so perhaps this isn't a positive. I also really like the last one, 'End of the dream' as it looks a lot like handwriting and also reminds me of a love letter, which could link to the love the two friends feel. I was researching other teen drama film fonts, and I found a similar one from the film 'If I Stay', where the handwriting effect is used.

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